Museum Projects

Collaborative projects with international and Indian museums.

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Alice From Switzerland — a visionary artist and scholar between two continents



This show was built on an international partnership between the Museum Rietberg, Zurich, and the Alice Boner Institute, Varanasi. The team behind Green Barbet, India, coordinated logistics in India and abroad to bring this exhibition to life. Click here to know more about the exhibit.

Alice Boner at Ellora (1938), photo courtesy: Legacy Alice Boner

Alice Boner at Ellora (1938), photo courtesy: Legacy Alice Boner

THE MIRROR : Our Reflected Self

2017 - 2019

Kannati Bimbam, Kerala, photo courtesy: Green Barbet, India

Kannati Bimbam, Kerala, photo courtesy: Green Barbet, India


In addition to researching and producing a documentary for this show at the Museum Rietberg, GBI handled all logistical tasks of creating an India segment at Zurich. We procured objects, artefacts and artworks on loan from various sources, coordinated packing and shipping, and organised travel related to this exhibition. GBI went the distance to make THE MIRROR a complete exhibition. Learn more about this production here.

Surimono – Celebratory Poetry Prints from Japan

November 2021 - 2022


This exhibition is set to open at the Government Museum and Gallery Chandigarh, where it will be displayed from November to March 2021-22. GBI has facilitated on ground communication for the exhibition, acting as a liaison between Museum Rietberg, who will be lending their collection, and the GMAG, Chandigarh. This includes coordinating team visits to the gallery site, creating a preview event, and arranging publicity strategies.

For the exhibition GBI will be working closely in setting up the display, creating outreach strategies, establishing a digital media presence and seeking avenues for sponsorship. 

Kabuki actors in a Genpei play Utagawa Kunisada, Japan, c. 1827-1830, Collection of Museum Rietberg, Zürich

Kabuki actors in a Genpei play
Utagawa Kunisada, Japan, c. 1827-1830, Collection of Museum Rietberg, Zürich

Being Jain - Art and Culture of an Indian Religion

November 2022 - 2023

Cosmological map, India, 1600–1750, pigment painting on cloth, Inv-.Nr. RVI 1572, photo courtesy : Museum Rietberg


Green Barbet India partners with Museum Rietberg in Switzerland and CERES, Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany to bring this landmark exhibition, which includes over a 100 objects, 6 short films on Jain practices in India, adapted games, and installations. As India partner GBI headed the facilitation of objects on loan including surveying, sourcing, liaising, coordination and communication.